1 minute read

Localization of Modules

If one wants to support multiple languages for Netbeans Modules, then you will probably create some Bundle.properties - files to adapt to additional languages.

Foreign modules are localizable using a branding-project. Here a list of all bundle files is modifiable. Those values overwrite the originals.

Localization of Netbeans owns modules

From netbeans websites you can download the complete localization data for the whole platform. (nb71_platform_l10n.zip you will find by google). This file is to include into your pom.xml.

Workflow to localize of all modules of a maven project

  1. download the needed localized distribution Netbeans.
  2. extract your needed localization data using the following script for windows:

    xcopy *_de.jar d:\temp\nb711_de_i10n\ /S /Y pause

Now all needed Bundle files are copied into your temp folder.

  1. the created directory nb711_de_i10n should be packed into a ZIP. (ca. 2MB)
  2. now you can adapt your branding module
    • copy nb711_de_i10n.zip to src/resources. Please make sure it is not under main or test. With this it will not be catched from mavens packager.
    • uncompress the ZIP - file in target folder while building
                    <unzip src="src/resources/nb711_de_l10n.zip"
            dest="target/l10n" overwrite="true"/>
  • now let us select the needed files and putting it into the jar using your nbm plugin
 <!-- platform data -->
 <!-- ide data -->